Save up to 90% off on things to do, see and eat!

Inbox Fitness


Steal The Deal was Canada’s very first daily deal website. We offered great deals in over fifty markets nationwide. In 2011, the company was acquired by Sun Media, one of the largest online and offline publication companies in Canada.

My Role

  • Lead Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer

Rebrand and Redesign

We wanted to rebrand and redesign the website to be more current and to use colors that were more vibrant and fun. We also wanted to play with the concept of the thief in our new logo.

Thief Mascot

I redesigned the logo and designed the thief to support the concept of deals being stolen because of the great savings. The thief mascot was used in all promotional material and became the concept of all our print advertising.

Theif mascot options

Thou Shalt StealTheDeal

The famous blue mask was used on all of the images in our print ads. We collected over 1000 images and painstakingly incorporated the mask to each one. With Sun Media’s ownership of numerous local newspaper publications, we deployed these print ads on all available inventory.

  • StealTheDeal Thief Mask
  • StealTheDeal Thief Mask
    StealTheDeal Thief Mask
  • StealTheDeal Thief Mask